Saturday, October 10, 2009

chervona ruta totusi e ciudat (sau nu) cum unele cantece imi aduc aminte de vremea cand inca nu eram... cand era doar liniste... chervona ruta este unul dintre ele...


Chervona ruta este un cantec ucrainian compus de Volodymyr Ivasyuk in anii studentiei... si bineinteles ca am gasit o informatie pe net cum ca a fost dedicat unei colege, Mariya Sokolovska... au aparut foarte multe variante ale acestui cantec dupa 1971, dar eu o prefer pe cea din Transylvania lui Gatlif...


Ciudat... sau nu... dar ruta este o planta cu un gust amar... gustul regretului (denumirea ei in engleza - rue)... o legenda slava din bucovina spune ca florile ei galbene se inrosesc doar pentru cateva minute in noaptea Sfantului Ion (24 iunie - noaptea de sanziene, la noi)... fetele care vor gasi florile de ruta in aceasta noapte vor avea noroc in dragoste...

wikipedia - Chervona Ruta(song), wikipedia - Chervona Ruta(flower), Calendar ortodox - iunie, Chervona Ruta - lyrics, wikipedia - Ivan Kupala Day, Ruta graveolens - info


C h e r v o n a R u t a
Author: Ivasyuk. Eng.Trn. S. Pasicznyk

Just admit it to me.
You’re controlling my feelings.
Though my heart was in pain
With your spell it is healing.
In the forest you knew
Of the midsummer flower
That when kissed by the sun
Has a magical power.

Please don’t go searching
For the red bloom this evening
For the love that I have for you
Is true and free.
Just as the rivers
Of the mountains are givers
Of clean water;
You’ve given life to me.

As you visit my dreams
In the green glades of summer
You are coming to me
As you would to a lover
And you don’t need to give
Me a flower or a potion
I shall always be here
You have all my devotion.

Please don’t go searching
For the red bloom this evening
For the love that I have for you
Is true and free.
Just as the rivers
Of the mountains are givers
Of clean water;
You’ve given life to me.

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